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Choose Your Target!

What's that bucket list fish you have always wanted to go hand to fin with?

A saltwater reel sizzler or a snag lurking braid buster?! Take a poke around our list of the world's greatest sports fish and our favourite locations to target them.

Have your eye on a species that's not on our list? 

Let us know and we can help you track em' down!

Lates calcarifer

Australias most sort after sports fish, the mighty barra!

Destroying lures with its bone rattling boof and putting your fish fighting skills to the test with its immense size and high flying flips, its easy to see why so many anglers travel far and wide to tangle with these iconic beasts!

Go chase one over the magic meter at our favourite locations:

Papuan Black Bass
Lutjanus goldiei

Lurking deep in the jungles of P.N.G and said to be the hardest hitting freshwater fish on the planet, black bass represent the pinnacle of lure fishing targets for many die hard anglers.

With bear trap jaws, high velocity strikes  and monstrous power, they are truly in a league of their own.

Combined with the extreme environment in which they live and the tangled snags they call home, black bass are a formidable and highly rewarding opponent.

Threadfin Salmon
Eleutheronema tetradactylum

Easily spotted as they round up their dinner in the shallows of Australias northern estuaries, "threaddies" are a fantastic accompaniment to their more glamorous friend, the barra.
Slicing line off your reel with thumb burning runs and nice tasty fillets to fill your belly, everyone loves the sight of a big threaddie hitting the back of the net!

They provide a fun challenge, at times splashing along the banks in huge numbers but without so much as sniffing your lure!

Throw everything in your box at em' until you find the flavour of the day!

Scleropages jardinii

Found slinking their way through the lillypads of Australias northern billabongs, these prehistoric creatures hold a special spot in many anglers hearts.

Scooting weedless soft plastics and flys over thick aquatic vegetation during a steamy northern sunrise can result in fish and lures flying through the air and anglers cacking themselves with excitement!

A manic session on the "toga" is a memory you won't soon forget..

Mangrove Jack
Lutjanus argentimaculatus

These little red hand grenades sure pack a punch!

Found throughout the clear waters of Australias northern, mangrove lined estuaries, "jacks" are a fantastic target species. 

Cast your lure within inches of their snaggy lair and get ready to put the breaks on em' before they yank you deep into the danger zone!

Jacks have a love of small poppers also, chuck them tight to structure and try and entice their characteristic "SNAP!"

Reef Fish:

Golden snapper, black jewfish, blue bone, coral trout, tricky snapper, cod, red emperor, etc..

Rod buckling reef dwellers are a fantastic addition to any northern fishing adventure!

Worn out from casting the hot and steamy barra creeks? Head for a blast out into the blue water and go "donk" for your dinner!

Keep an eye on the sounder and you may just discover your own patch of fishing heaven, deploy some fresh bait or your favourite lures and prepare to pull your lucky dip prize from the depths.

Get a filleting lesson from your guides before watching the chef fry your flaky fillets to perfection at these great locations:



Pelagic Fish:

Queenfish, trevally, tuna, mackerel, barracuda, cobia, etc..

Make sure you have a full spool of line and a strong back, you're about to get a serious workout!

Whether you're casting your arms off chucking poppers or fast trolling with your feet up, multiple hookups on these blue water beasts is a recipe for chaos!

With "queenies" flying through the air or "trevors" blazing through the bommies, this is a tropical fishing tradition that will blow your Buff off!

Mud Crab:
Scylla serrata / olivacea

Is there anything more succulent than sucking on the sweet, salty leg of a fresh "muddy" straight out of the mangroves!?
Pull the pots on the way home from a days fishing and do the "crab dance" as they scurry around the deck, waving their colossal claws. 

Gather round the table with beers and "cheers!" as you snap and crack your way through the shell to one of the most prized tastes of the tropics!


Found writhing in the crystalline shallows of Christmas Island, these silver streakers are held in high regard by sports fishermen the world over.

Tread softly around the barely ankle deep sand flats and scan the ripples in search of their wispy shadows or tail fins breaking the surface.

Sneak in and strafe their position with your best cast and prepare to have the drag on your reel set ablaze as a big ole bone hits the afterburners!

Champagne fishing at its finest!


Brown trout, rainbow trout.

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